Thursday, March 4, 2010

CD Ka-Ching! - Music industry seminar

The Jamaica Reggae Industry Association (JARIA) in response to the members request is facilitating this workshop/panel discussion on how to Market Music.

This session at the Jamaica Trade & Invest Training will take a close look at the mechanics (the how to) of how to actually sell music. This is going to be a close look at what one has to do to get someone to actually pay for a CD, Vinyl Record and/or music download.

This is will be done by speaking to individuals and/or companies who have a track record in the actual sale of Jamaican Music.

So far we have confirmed the participation of Lucas Corthesy who has a successful business selling vinyl records from Jamaica to the markets of Japan and Europe.

Many other music business luminaries will be there to share their experience on how to actually sell Jamaican music.

The workshop is free to all JARIA members
Non-JARIA members $1,500

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